Friday, December 15, 2006

Thank Murgatroid It's Friday

What Ho Proles!

Well, as you can no doubt see, I’ve posted two chapters in as many days… And you tell me that my tuba lessons are interfering with my work? I laugh at such presumption and advise you all to get down to your local music shop and buy yourself this most inspiring of instruments.

That’s not to say I’m not a little tired today. I was up in the night watching the cricket in the belief that we could have the beating of the Australians. And it took a fine display of typically resolute batting for England to dig themselves into trouble. For a few moments in the early hours, I thought we’d thrash the Aussies but, by the time I went to bed, I went to sleep assured that the traditions of British sporting achievement are being matched down under.

This afternoon I’m working on another chapter after what has been a difficult week. Can’t promise much but I am finding that the work helps take my mind of the criminal insanities that are taking place in this country. It's a minor miracle that nation doesn’t slide off the slippery rock it sits on and fall into the ocean, what with the P.M. interviewed by the police, our government succumbing to Saudi blackmail and closing down police inquiries, and with the news dominated by serial killings.

Now my blood is raised and I need to calm down. That means another half an hour on the tuba before I get around to the next thousand words.

The work never ends.

Toodle pip.

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