Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My Thoughts On The Nanny State

What Ho Proles!

So, Tony Blair is planning to hire eighty Super Nannies across England to cope with unruly children. As a man brought up by nothing but nannies, I feel I’m fully qualified to comment on this plan.

It’s undiluted horse twaddle.

And you can quote me on that. The man doesn’t know a nanny from a nanny goat. Not every nanny flies in looking like Julie Andrews about to turn a bit supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. My nannies were all of a kind: overweight Teutonic Valkyries with a liking for mint humbugs and wielding the lash. What limited supply we may have of these women should be saved for the fight against Al Qaida or KGB hit squads and not wasted on some sniffling buffoon brought up on cocoa pops and hamburgers and now spending his days hanging around the local mini supermarket and throwing rocks at stray dogs. What troublesome children need isn’t a nanny but a damn good kick in the pants and something to keep them busy.

Which is why I was rather taken with an idea I read about yesterday suggesting that the little vermin should replace foxes in hunts. I've spoken about plans like this before, but my only concern is that it might reduce the quality of the hunts. Yet if it can be proved that the little tykes can sprint faster than a hound after the scent, I’d say lets give them a run.

I’m now sitting down to revising the next chapter of my memoirs. I hope to put it up sometime this afternoon.

Until then,

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